Privacy Policy

Effective 8th May 2024 Our Privacy Policy Has Been Updated Your Privacy Matters ist’s mission is to connect the world’s professionals to allow them to be more productive and successful. Central to this mission is our commitment to be transparent about the data we collect about you, how it is used, and with whom it is shared. This Privacy Policy applies when you use our Services (described below). We offer our users choices about the data we collect, use, and share as described in this Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, Settings, and our Help Center. Key Terms “Services”: This Privacy Policy, including our Cookie Policy, applies to your use of our Services. This includes, ist-branded apps, and other ist-related sites, apps, communications, and services, excluding those that state they are offered under a different privacy policy. “Members”: Registered users who share their professional identities, engage with their network, exchange knowledge and professional insights, post and view relevant content, learn and develop skills, and find business opportunities. “Visitors”: Non-members who view content and data on some of our Services. Table of Contents Introduction Data We Collect How We Share Information Your Choices and Obligations Other Important Information 1. Introduction We are a social network and online platform for professionals. People use our Services to find and be found for business opportunities, to connect with others, and find information. Our Privacy Policy applies to any Member or Visitor. Change Changes to the Privacy Policy apply to your use of our Services after the “effective date.” ist (“we” or “us”) can modify this Privacy Policy. If we make material changes to it, we will provide notice through our Services or other means. You acknowledge that your continued use of our Services means that the collection, use, and sharing of your personal data is subject to the updated Privacy Policy. 2. Data We Collect 2.1 Data You Provide To Us Registration: To create an account, provide data including your name, email, and mobile number for login. For premium Services, provide payment and billing information. Profile: Information on your profile can include ideas, work experience, skills, and more. Do not add data you don’t want publicly available. Posting and Uploading: We collect data you post or upload to our Services. 2.2 Service Use We log your visits and use of our Services. 2.3 Cookies and Similar Technologies We collect data through cookies and similar technologies. 2.4 Your Device and Location We receive data from your device and location. 2.5 Messages We collect data when you communicate through our Services. 2.6 Sites and Services of Others We receive data from sites that include our plugins or when you log-in using your ist account. 2.7 Other We often introduce new features, which may require new data collection. 3. How We Share Information 3.1 Our Services Any data that you include on your profile and any content you post or social action (e.g., likes, bookmarks, and messages) you take on our Services will be seen by others, consistent with your settings. Profile Your profile is fully visible to all Members and customers of our Services. Subject to your settings, it can also be visible to others on or off our Services (e.g., Visitors to our Services or users of third-party search engines). As detailed in our Help Center, your settings, the subscriptions they may have, their usage of our Services, access channels, and search types (e.g., by name or by keyword) impact the availability of your profile and whether they can view certain fields in your profile. Posts, Likes, Messages Our Services allow viewing and sharing information, including through posts, likes, and messages. When you share an idea or a post (e.g., an image or video) publicly, it can be viewed by everyone. Members, Visitors, and others will be able to find and see your publicly-shared content, including your name (and photo if you have provided one). 3.2 Communication Archival Regulated Members may need to store communications outside of our Service. Some Members (or their employers) need, for legal or professional compliance, to archive their communications and social media activity, and will use services of others to provide these archival services. We enable archiving of messages by and to those Members outside of our Services. 3.3 Related Services We share your data across our different Services and ist affiliated entities. We will share your personal data with our affiliates to provide and develop our Services. We may combine information internally across the different Services covered by this Privacy Policy to help our Services be more relevant and useful to you and others. 3.4 Service Providers We may use others to help us with our Services. We use others to help us provide our Services (e.g., maintenance, analysis, audit, payments, fraud detection, marketing, and development). They will have access to your information as reasonably necessary to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for other purposes. 3.5 Legal Disclosures We may need to share your data when we believe it’s required by law or to help protect the rights and safety of you, us, or others. 4. Your Choices & Obligations 4.1 Data Retention We keep most of your personal data for as long as your ist account is open. We generally retain your personal data as long as you keep your ist account open or as needed to provide you Services. This includes data you or others provided to us and data generated or inferred from your use of our Services. Even if you only use our Services occasionally, we will retain your information and keep your profile open unless you close your account. In some cases, we choose to retain certain information (e.g., insights about Services use) in a depersonalized or aggregated form. 4.2 Rights to Access and Control Your Personal Data You can access or delete your personal data. You have rights regarding your personal data, including the right to access, rectify, erase, restrict, or object to our use of your data. You can also opt out of certain data uses or withdraw your consent, where applicable. These rights are further detailed in our Help Center. 4.3 Account Closure We retain some of your data even after you close your ist account. Closing your ist account will generally render your personal data invisible to others within 24 hours. We aim to delete closed account data within 30 days, with some exceptions. We may retain your data post account closure to comply with legal obligations, settle disputes, or prevent fraudulent activities. We will maintain depersonalized information even after your account is closed. Content you've shared with others may remain visible, and we don't control copies others might have made. Your profile might still appear in search engine results until they update their cache. 5. Other Important Information 5.1 Security We take precautions against potential breaches. Always make use of the security features on ist. We adopt robust security measures, such as HTTPS, to protect your data. However, no system is foolproof, and we cannot guarantee complete security. 5.2 Cross-Border Data Transfers Your data might be processed outside your home country. We might process data in countries other than yours. The legal standards of these countries might differ from those of your country. 5.3 Lawful Bases for Processing We have legal reasons to process your data. You can always withdraw your consent. We only process your data where we have a legal basis. This might include your consent, fulfilling a contract with you, or our legitimate interests. You can withdraw any consent you've given at any time. 5.4 Direct Marketing and Do Not Track Signals We won't share your data with third parties for direct marketing unless you give us permission. 5.5 Contact Information Reach out to us with any concerns or queries. If you have questions about this Policy, contact ist through the app's support features or email